
My discoveries and associated ramblings

Saturday, November 08, 2003

The Perl Directory -
I had to learn Perl in a hurry for a homework assignment. This page was a great resource.

My assignment was to write a compiler. It had to translate a high-level language that the teacher invented to a low-level assembly-like language that he also invented. In other words, this program will never be useful in real life, but it was a good excercise.

Perl is an acronym, by the way. It stands for Practical Extraction and Report Language. Although, after comparing it to other languages that I've worked with, I can see why some people claim that it actually stands for Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister. What other language accepts "s{[;\-\+/\*,\[\]=\(\)]}{ $& }g;" as a valid command?

Still, it's a really cool and useful language. I can see why The Jargon File calls it "the Swiss-Army chainsaw of Unix programming."


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